I never eat at Taco Bell. Welp, the last time I did I was in college -- and that's been a while. So, when I saw a commercial for Taco Bell's new Beef Crunch Burrito -- with Flamin' Hot Fritos inside (seriously?!) -- I knew this would be some serious sh*t I'd never do.
Here it is right out of the drive thru window.
I could see the Fritos poking through the tortilla wrap.
Oh boy, here we so.
Wait! I wanna cut this thing in half -- to be sure everyone sees the Fritos -- or whatever the grossness is.
The bite.
The judgment.
Okay. Ya know what? Not horrible. Basically it's beef burrito with crunch. So, sort of okay. Sort of spicy too (warning to all).
Will I ever order it again? Hello no.
Come on, people -- chips do not belong inside other foods. Riiiight?
Two hours later the taste is still in my mouth.