Sunday, March 7, 2010

Visit The Bunny Museum

Did you know there was a Bunny Museum? Me either. Well, not sure I would call it a 'museum,' but there is a residential home full of 26,000 things bunny-related in Pasadena, CA.

Once I arrived at the street location of The Bunny Museum, it was not hard to figure out which house it was.

I was immediately welcomed by a Bunny Lady, the owner of the museum/collection, who told me to leave my purse outside --  wouldn't want to steal bunnies! I was then asked if I would like the tour -- I said, uh, yeah. Otherwise, we would be just hanging out in your home, right?

 This was the bunny that started the whole collection (please take note of the glass case). A Valentine's Day bunny the Bunny Lady received for Valentines's Day. Then every Valentine's Day since she and her husband would exchange bunnies. Today, her and her husband exchange a bunny ... every. single. day! (I wonder if Peeps count?)

The Bunny Lady holds the world record for most bunnies under one roof.

There were a lot of bunnies.

Stuffed bunnies.
Snow globe bunnies.

Famous bunnies.
Dirty bunnies.
This is the Garden of Broken Dreams.

This was the backyard.

This used to be a bunny.
A horror movie or The Bunny Museum? 
Like I said, a lot of bunnies.
But oddly, only three real bunnies.
(I brought them bananas, thanks Mike Kelly.)

I was offered the opportunity to puchase a postcard, but I declined.

After saying my goodbyes, I was told to "Have a Hoppy Day."

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Wear Pajama Jeans to Dinner

You know you wanted to try them -- well, I did!! My very own, extremely over-priced Pajama Jeans arrived yesterday (with free t-shirt) and I immediately threw them on for a test drive.

Pajama Jeans! Looks like the real thing, right? Riiiight? Okay, hell no.

Pajama Jeans at a Japanese restaurant!!!

The review: They may look semi-like jeans but the outside fabric feels gross (inside = snuggle bunny). I bought a size large, because I enjoy a comfy pant -- but that was not the right decision. The waist band is so large, I could barely keep my pants up on the walk to dinner. Many little Japanese ladies saw some thong thong thong thong.

Will I wear them again? Hell yeah! Welp, I am going to need a belt. But there's gotta be a way to rock these to Ralph's.

I mean, what could be better than going straight from dinner to bed? No clothing change required. And any opportunity to eat out wearing an elastic waistband (incognito, of course), is a go for me.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Roughing It at the Movie Theater

One of the hardest situations I've had to battle -- without Diet Coke. I did it. I ordered ... ugh ... water at the movie theater. WTH!? Yup. Popcorn and water.

Day 12, still Diet Coke free.