Sunday, November 1, 2009

SNL's Gilly Wins Halloween Costume Contest

That's riiiiight, you're looking at the BIG winner of last night's Halloween Costume Contest at Maeve's Residuals bar and popcorn poppin' party house. Okay, so, normally I am not one of those crazy Halloween people who plan a year in advance for the opportunity to break out the alter ego and post photos all over the internet but this year (oh, and maybe this year too)-- I knew exactly who I wanted to be ... Gillyyyyyy. If you are lucky enough to have an exceptional Saturday night social life and/or continue to forget to set the TIVO to SNL, Giley is Kirsten Wiig's hilarious and evil-havocking character.

So, I forced the BF Steve to go as Gilly's teacher and after a few too many glasses of chardonnay, a full-out dance performance of Gilly's jig, and one too many "sorries," I ended up a winner with 100 bucks ... cash! Talk about some sh*t I should totally do again!

Although, to anyone who ever decides to follow suit and go as Gilly -- you must be warned. Far too many people will say your name in that creepy, child-molester-type voice and freak you out all night. Also, you'll get at least one drunk super-creep who will think you're Italian and/or the star of that classic Affleck/Lopez flick and call you Gigli.


  1. This costume is genius!

  2. thats funny!

  3. hi! great outfit! im actually trying to find a giley outfit, where do u think i should go?? and where did u get yours?? please respond thanks so much!

  4. This is exactly who i want to be this year! you look fabulous! "Who farted? Giiilllllyyy..." "sorry."

  5. pretty close and not bad but good
